Web Hooks

Add Webhooks to your ServiceStack services, and allow other services to integrate with yours across the web.


The WebHookFeature plugin by Jezz Santos makes it very easy to expose webhook notifications from your ServiceStack services, and helps you manage your user's subscriptions to those webhooks.:

<PackageReference Include="ServiceStack.Webhooks" Version="8.*" />

By adding the WebhookFeature to the AppHost of your service, you automatically get all the pieces you need to raise and manage the events raised by your services.

public override void Configure(Container container)
    // Add ValidationFeature and AuthFeature plugins first

    Plugins.Add(new WebhookFeature());

See Getting Started for more details.

Raising Events

To raise events from your own services:

  1. Add the IWebhooks dependency to your service
  2. Call: IWebhooks.Publish<TDto>(string eventName, TDto data)

As simple as this:

internal class HelloService : Service
    public IWebhooks Webhooks { get; set; }

    public HelloResponse Any(Hello request)
        Webhooks.Publish("hello", new HelloEvent{ Text = "I said hello" });

Subscribing to Events

Subscribers to events raised by your services need to create a webhook subscription to those events.

They do this by POSTing something like the following, to your service:

POST /webhooks/subscriptions
    "name": "My Webhook",
    "events": ["hello", "goodbye"],
    "config": {
        "url": "http://myserver/api/incoming",

Consuming Events

To consume events, a subscriber needs to provide a public HTTP POST endpoint on the internet that would receive the POSTed webhook event.

The URL to that endpoint is defined in the config.url of the subscription (above).

In the case of the "hello" event (raised above), the POSTed event sent to the subscriber's endpoint might look something like this:

POST http://myserver/hello HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
User-Agent: ServiceStack .NET Client 4.56
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate
X-Webhook-Delivery: 7a6224aad9c8400fb0a70b8a71262400
X-Webhook-Event: hello
Content-Type: application/json
Host: myserver
Content-Length: 26
Expect: 100-continue
Proxy-Connection: Keep-Alive

    "Text": "I said hello"

To consume this event with a ServiceStack service, the subscriber would standup a public API like the one below, that could receive the 'Hello' event. That might have been raised from another service with a call to Webhooks.Publish("hello", new HelloEvent{ Text = "I said hello" }):

internal class MyService : Service
    public void Post(HelloDto request)
        // They said hello!
        var message = request.Text;

        // The event name, messaging metadata are included in the headers
        var eventName = Request.Headers["X-Webhook-Event"];
        var deliveryId = Request.Headers["X-Webhook-Delivery"];
        var signature = Request.Headers["X-Hub-Signature"];

[Route("/hello", "POST")]
public class HelloDto
    public string Text { get; set; }

Note: Webhook events can be delivered securely to subscribers using signatures, that proves the authenticity of the sender only. Delivered events are never encrypted, and only signed. See Subscriber Security for more details.


More documentation about how the WebhookFeature works, and how to customize it are available in here
