When using ServiceStack Auth refer to Admin Users UI instead
The Identity Auth Admin UI can be enabled when registering the AuthFeature
Plugin by calling AdminUsersFeature()
public class ConfigureAuth : IHostingStartup
public void Configure(IWebHostBuilder builder) => builder
.ConfigureServices(services => {
services.AddPlugin(new AuthFeature(IdentityAuth.For<ApplicationUser>(
options => {
// options.SessionFactory = () => new CustomUserSession(); //optional
Which just like the ServiceStack Auth Admin Users UI enables a
Admin UI that's only accessible to Admin Users for managing Identity Auth users at /admin-ui/users
User Search Results​
Which displays a limited view of a User's info due to the minimal properties on the default IdentityAuth

Custom Search Result Properties​
These User Search results are customizable by specifying the ApplicationUser
properties you want displayed instead:
options.AdminUsersFeature(feature =>
feature.QueryIdentityUserProperties =

Custom Search Result Behavior​
The default display Order of Users is also customizable:
feature.DefaultOrderBy = nameof(ApplicationUser.DisplayName);
As well as the Search behavior which can be replaced to search any custom fields, e.g:
feature.SearchUsersFilter = (q, query) =>
var queryUpper = query.ToUpper();
return q.Where(x =>
x.DisplayName!.Contains(query) ||
x.Id.Contains(queryUpper) ||
x.NormalizedUserName!.Contains(queryUpper) ||
Default Create and Edit Users Forms​
The default Create and Edit Admin Users UI are also limited to editing the minimal IdentityAuth

Whilst the Edit page includes standard features to lockout users, change user passwords and manage their roles:

Custom Create and Edit Forms​
By default Users are locked out indefinitely, but this can also be changed to lock users out to a specific date, e.g:
feature.ResolveLockoutDate = user => DateTimeOffset.Now.AddDays(7);
The forms editable fields can also be customized to include additional properties, e.g:
feature.FormLayout =
Input.For<ApplicationUser>(x => x.UserName, c => c.FieldsPerRow(2)),
Input.For<ApplicationUser>(x => x.Email, c => {
c.Type = Input.Types.Email;
Input.For<ApplicationUser>(x => x.FirstName, c => c.FieldsPerRow(2)),
Input.For<ApplicationUser>(x => x.LastName, c => c.FieldsPerRow(2)),
Input.For<ApplicationUser>(x => x.DisplayName, c => c.FieldsPerRow(2)),
Input.For<ApplicationUser>(x => x.PhoneNumber, c =>
c.Type = Input.Types.Tel;
That can override the new ApplicationUser
Model that's created and any Validation:
Custom User Creation​
feature.CreateUser = () => new ApplicationUser { EmailConfirmed = true };
feature.CreateUserValidation = async (req, createUser) =>
await IdentityAdminUsers.ValidateCreateUserAsync(req, createUser);
var displayName = createUser.GetUserProperty(nameof(ApplicationUser.DisplayName));
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(displayName))
throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(AdminUserBase.DisplayName));
return null;

Admin User Events​
Should you need to, Admin User Events can use used to execute custom logic before and after creating, updating and deleting users, e.g:
feature.OnBeforeCreateUser = (request, user) => { ... };
feature.OnAfterCreateUser = (request, user) => { ... };
feature.OnBeforeUpdateUser = (request, user) => { ... };
feature.OnAfterUpdateUser = (request, user) => { ... };
feature.OnBeforeDeleteUser = (request, userId) => { ... };
feature.OnAfterDeleteUser = (request, userId) => { ... };