The tests in ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints.Tests show good examples of how to create stand-alone integration tests that just use a self-hosted HttpListener AppHost.
Quick Mix​
Use mix to quickly create a .NET 6 Integration Test project:
$ x mix init-test
Or if you need to create a source compatible .NET 6 and .NET v4.72 Integration Test project:
$ x mix init-test2
Example Stand-alone Integration tests​
Integration Testing​
If your test project is targeting netcore, AppSelfHostBase
is available in the ServiceStack.Kestrel
The CustomerRestExample.cs shows an example of a stand-alone integration test. Integration tests in ServiceStack just involves starting a standard self-host ServiceStack Instance when the Test Fixture Starts up and disposing it when it tears down. Your integration tests can then communicate with the self-host exactly the same as if it were a remote ServiceStack instance (since that's all it is), e.g:
//Create your ServiceStack AppHost with only the dependencies it needs
public class AppHost : AppSelfHostBase
public AppHost() : base("Customer REST Example", typeof(CustomerService).Assembly) {}
public override void Configure(Container container)
container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(c =>
new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(":memory:", SqliteDialect.Provider));
using var db = container.Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().Open();
//Add Service Contract DTO's and Data Models
[Route("/customers", "GET")]
public class GetCustomers : IReturn<GetCustomersResponse> {}
public class GetCustomersResponse
public List<Customer> Results { get; set; }
[Route("/customers", "POST")]
public class CreateCustomer : IReturn<Customer>
public string Name { get; set; }
public class Customer
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
//Implement your Service Contracts
public class CustomerService : Service
public object Get(GetCustomers request)
return new GetCustomersResponse { Results = Db.Select<Customer>() };
public object Post(CreateCustomer request)
var customer = new Customer { Name = request.Name };
return customer;
//Write your Integration tests
public class CustomerRestExample
const string BaseUri = "http://localhost:2000/";
ServiceStackHost appHost;
public CustomerRestExample()
//Start your AppHost on OneTimeSetUp
appHost = new AppHost()
public void OneTimeTearDown() => appHost.Dispose();
/* Write your Integration Tests against the self-host instance */
public void Can_GET_and_Create_Customers()
var client = new JsonServiceClient(BaseUri);
//GET /customers
var all = client.Get(new GetCustomers());
Assert.That(all.Results.Count, Is.EqualTo(0));
//POST /customers
var customer = client.Post(new CreateCustomer { Name = "Foo" });
Assert.That(customer.Id, Is.EqualTo(1));
//GET /customers
all = client.Get(new GetCustomers());
Assert.That(all.Results.Count, Is.EqualTo(1));
Unit testing​
If you want to unit test a ServiceStack Service in isolation there are a couple of different approaches you can take. The base Service class itself is just a simple C# class which lets you define and inject dependencies manually or by using the built-in IOC container.
We'll illustrate both approaches using this simple unit test example that tests this simple Service:
// DTOs
public class FindRockstars
public int? Aged { get; set; }
public bool? Alive { get; set; }
public class GetStatus
public string LastName { get; set; }
public class RockstarStatus
public int Age { get; set; }
public bool Alive { get; set; }
public class Rockstar
public int Id { get; set; }
public string FirstName { get; set; }
public string LastName { get; set; }
public int? Age { get; set; }
// Implementation
public class SimpleService : Service
public IRockstarRepository RockstarRepository { get; set; }
public List<Rockstar> Get(FindRockstars request)
return request.Aged.HasValue
? Db.Select<Rockstar>(q => q.Age == request.Aged.Value)
: Db.Select<Rockstar>();
public RockstarStatus Get(GetStatus request)
var rockstar = RockstarRepository.GetByLastName(request.LastName);
if (rockstar == null)
throw HttpError.NotFound($"'{request.LastName}' is not a Rockstar");
var status = new RockstarStatus
Alive = RockstarRepository.IsAlive(request.LastName)
}.PopulateWith(rockstar); //Populates with matching fields
return status;
This Service provides 2 operations, FindRockstars
which makes db queries directly in the service class itself, and GetStatus
which uses a repository instead for all its Data access.
Using an in-memory database​
If you're accessing Db
from directly within your service implementation you're going to want to make use of a real DB given the ADO.NET IDbConnection requires a lot of effort to mock. You can do this in the same way you would register your dependencies in ServiceStack itself, by using the built-in IOC. For a unit test we can do this without an AppHost by just use a new Container
in your OneTimeSetUp
, e.g:
Test Setup​
private ServiceStackHost appHost;
public void OneTimeSetUp()
appHost = new BasicAppHost().Init();
var container = appHost.Container;
new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(":memory:", SqliteDialect.Provider));
container.RegisterAutoWiredAs<RockstarRepository, IRockstarRepository>();
using (var db = container.Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().Open())
public void OneTimeTearDown() => appHost.Dispose();
With everything setup we can now test the service just like a normal C# class in isolation independently of ServiceStack itself:
public void Using_in_memory_database()
//Resolve the autowired service from IOC and set Resolver for the base class
var service = appHost.Container.Resolve<SimpleService>();
var rockstars = service.Get(new FindRockstars { Aged = 27 });
rockstars.PrintDump(); //Print a dump of the results to Console
Assert.That(rockstars.Count, Is.EqualTo(SeedData.Count(x => x.Age == 27)));
var status = service.Get(new GetStatus { LastName = "Vedder" });
Assert.That(status.Age, Is.EqualTo(48));
Assert.That(status.Alive, Is.True);
status = service.Get(new GetStatus { LastName = "Hendrix" });
Assert.That(status.Age, Is.EqualTo(27));
Assert.That(status.Alive, Is.False);
Assert.Throws<HttpError>(() =>
service.Get(new GetStatus { LastName = "Unknown" }));
Manually injecting dependencies​
If you prefer your unit tests not to use an in-memory database, you can instead choose to mock your dependencies. In this example we'll use a stand-alone Mock, but you can reduce boilerplate by using mocking library like Moq instead.
public class RockstarRepositoryMock : IRockstarRepository
public Rockstar GetByLastName(string lastName)
return lastName == "Vedder"
? new Rockstar(6, "Eddie", "Vedder", 48)
: null;
public bool IsAlive(string lastName)
return lastName == "Grohl" || lastName == "Vedder";
public void Using_manual_dependency_injection()
var service = new SimpleService
RockstarRepository = new RockstarRepositoryMock()
var status = service.Get(new GetStatus { LastName = "Vedder" });
Assert.That(status.Age, Is.EqualTo(48));
Assert.That(status.Alive, Is.True);
Assert.Throws<HttpError>(() =>
service.Get(new GetStatus { LastName = "Hendrix" }));
This example doesn't need a container as we're injecting all the dependencies manually.
Testing ServiceStack classes in Unit Tests​
Much of ServiceStack functionality assumes there's an AppHost is available which for Unit Tests you can just use an In Memory AppHost, e.g:
public void My_unit_test()
using (new BasicAppHost().Init())
//test ServiceStack classes
If preferred this can be set up once per test fixture following this pattern:
public class MyUnitTests
ServiceStackHost appHost;
public MyUnitTests() => appHost = new BasicAppHost().Init();
public void OneTimeTearDown() => appHost.Dispose();
public void My_unit_test()
//test ServiceStack classes
Community Resources​
- ServiceStack 4 HTTP Utilities: Contract Testing by @kylehodgson
- Regression testing ServiceStack services with RavenDB embedded by @wayne_douglas
- ServiceStack – Testing services with Chrome REST Console
- ServiceStack and RavenDB End to End Testing by @aquabirdconsult
- Integration Testing With ServiceStack by @rossipedia
- How to unit test your database code when using ServiceStack OrmLite by @rickardn
- EasyHttp and ServiceStack, making the mspec tests better by @chrissie1
- Using ServiceStack for the EasyHttp integration tests by @chrissie1
- Parameterized Tests for ServiceStack Web Services