Built into ServiceStack v6+ Apps is the Admin UI providing Admin Users a UX Friendly UI to access App features & summary insights from:
Which after authenticating will take you to the Admin UI dashboard showing the authenticated Admin User details and general API stats:

Further Admin UI functionality can be enabled by adding the necessary dependencies and Admin APIs necessary to implement the Admin UI Features.
Disabling the Admin UI​
If desired, the /admin-ui features can be selectively or entirely disabled using the AdminUi
Enum flags:
ConfigurePlugin<UiFeature>(feature => feature.AdminUi = AdminUi.None);
Admin Users​
User management functionality for creating & modifying users, assigning Roles & Permissions, locking users or updating their passwords can be enabled by registering AdminUsersFeature
Plugins.Add(new AdminUsersFeature());
Which enables a familiar UI for searching & managing users:
See Admin UI User Docs to learn about Admin User features and available customization options
Redis Admin​
The Redis Admin UI lets you manage your App's configured Redis Server with a user-friendly UX for managing core Redis data types, simple search functionality to quickly find Redis values, quick navigation between related values, first class support for JSON values and a flexible command interface and command history to inspect all previously run redis commands.
It can be enabled by registering the AdminRedisFeature
Plugins.Add(new AdminRedisFeature());
Which will enable the Redis Admin UI:
See Redis Admin docs for more info.
Database Admin​
The Database Admin UI lets you quickly browse and navigate your App's configured RDBMS schemas and tables:
It can be enabled by registering the AdminDatabaseFeature
plugin from ServiceStack.Server:
Plugins.Add(new AdminDatabaseFeature());
Which will enable the Database Admin UI:
See Database Admin docs for more info.
Request Logging & Profiling​
Enables invaluable observability into your App, from being able to quickly inspect and browse incoming requests, to tracing their behavior:
x mix profiling
Which will add the Modular Startup configuration to your Host project that registers both Request Logging & Profiling features when running your App in DebugMode (i.e. Development):
[assembly: HostingStartup(typeof(MyApp.ConfigureProfiling))]
namespace MyApp;
public class ConfigureProfiling : IHostingStartup
public void Configure(IWebHostBuilder builder) => builder
.ConfigureServices((context, services) => {
if (context.HostingEnvironment.IsDevelopment())
services.AddPlugin(new ProfilingFeature
IncludeStackTrace = true,
Which will enable the Request Logging & Profiling UIs:
See Admin Logging & Profiling UI docs to learn about Admin Profiling feature and available customization options.
The Admin Validation feature enables adding dynamically sourced validation rules that can be applied & modified at runtime.
The most popular IValidationSource
for maintaining dynamic validation rules is OrmLiteValidationSource
for maintaining them
in the App's registered database's ValidationRule
RDBMS Table:
[assembly: HostingStartup(typeof(MyApp.ConfigureValidation))]
namespace MyApp;
public class ConfigureValidation : IHostingStartup
// Add support for dynamically generated db rules
public void Configure(IWebHostBuilder builder) => builder
.ConfigureServices(services => services.AddSingleton<IValidationSource>(c =>
new OrmLiteValidationSource(c.Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>(), HostContext.LocalCache)))
.ConfigureAppHost(appHost => {
// Create `ValidationRule` table if it doesn't exist in AppHost.Configure() or Modular Startup
Which can be quickly added to your project with the x mix script below:
x mix validation-source
Which the built-in Validation Feature detects to register the GetValidationRules
and ModifyValidationRules
APIs used by the Admin Validation Feature:
See Admin UI Validation Docs to learn about dynamic DB Validation Rules
Recommend Admin UI Features​
The Admin UI was designed with room to grow. You can let us know what features you would find most valuable on our GitHub Discussions.