The ServiceStack license key allows un-restricted access to ServiceStack packages and is available in your My Account Section after purchasing a commercial license.
There are multiple ways of registering your license key, all options only need to be added to your top-level host projects:
a) Add it to the projects appsettings.json or Web.Config​
Easiest way to register your license key is to add the servicestack license appSetting. For ASP.NET Core Apps add it to appsettings.json:
"servicestack": {
"license": "{licenseKeyText}"
Non ServiceStack .NET Core AppHost Apps (i.e. just using Redis or OrmLite) will also need to explicitly register the license key from IConfiguration: Licensing.RegisterLicense(Configuration.GetValue<string>("servicestack:license"));
For .NET Framework Applications add it to the Web.config or App.config's <appSettings/>
config section:
<add key="servicestack:license" value="{licenseKeyText}" />
b) Add it in code before your Application Starts Up​
By calling Licensing.RegisterLicense() before your application starts up, E.g. For ASP.NET, place it in the Global.asax Application_Start event:
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
new AppHost().Init();
Otherwise for a self-hosting Console Application, place it before initializing the AppHost, as shown above.
c) Add the System Environment Variable​
To simplify license key registration when developing multiple ServiceStack solutions you can register the License Key once in the SERVICESTACK_LICENSE Environment Variable on each pc using ServiceStack libraries:
Variable | Value |
you'll need to restart IIS or VS.NET for them to pickup any new Environment Variables.
d) Copy license key text into an external text file​
Similar to above, we can register the license from an external plain-text file containing the license key text, e.g:
protected void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
new AppHost().Init();
For Self-Hosting set the BuildAction to Copy if Newer and use "~/license.txt".MapAbsolutePath() extension method.
the license key is white-space insensitive so can be broken up over multiple lines.