ServiceStack v4.0.22


This was primarily an OrmLite-focused release with the introduction of major new features:

Typed SQL Expressions now support Joins!

Another highly requested feature has been realized in this release with OrmLite's typed SqlExpressions extended to add support for Joins.

The new JOIN support follows OrmLite's traditional approach of a providing a DRY, typed RDBMS-agnostic wrapper that retains a high affinity with SQL, providing an intuitive API that generates predictable SQL and a light-weight mapping to clean POCO's.

Basic Example

Starting with the most basic example you can simply specify the table you want to join with:

var dbCustomers = db.Select<Customer>(q => q.Join<CustomerAddress>());

This query rougly maps to the following SQL:

SELECT Customer.* 
  FROM Customer 
       INNER JOIN 
       CustomerAddress ON (Customer.Id == CustomerAddress.Id)

Just like before q is an instance of SqlExpression<Customer> which is bounded to the base Customer type (and what any subsequent implicit API's apply to).

To better illustrate the above query, lets expand it to the equivalent explicit query:

SqlExpression<Customer> q = db.From<Customer>();

List<Customer> dbCustomers = db.Select(q);

Reference Conventions

The above query joins together the Customer and CustomerAddress POCO's using the same relationship convention used in OrmLite's support for References, i.e. using the referenced table {ParentType}Id property convention.

An example of what this looks like can be seen the POCO's below:

class Customer {
    public Id { get; set; }
class CustomerAddress {
    public Id { get; set; }
    public CustomerId { get; set; }  // Reference based on Property name convention

References based on matching alias names is also supported, e.g:

class Customer {
    public Id { get; set; }
class CustomerAddress {
    public Id { get; set; }

    [Alias("LegacyCustomerId")]             // Matches `LegacyCustomer` Alias
    public RenamedCustomerId { get; set; }  // Reference based on Alias Convention

Either convention lets you save a POCO and all its entity references with db.Save(), e.g:

var customer =  new Customer {
    Name = "Customer 1",
    PrimaryAddress = new CustomerAddress {
        AddressLine1 = "1 Australia Street",
        Country = "Australia"
db.Save(customer, references:true);

Going back to the above example:


Uses the implicit join in the above reference convention to expand into the equivalent explicit API:

q.Join<Customer,CustomerAddress>((customer,address) => customer.Id == address.CustomerId);

Selecting multiple columns across joined tables

Another behaviour implicit when selecting from a typed SqlExpression is that results are mapped to the Customer POCO. To change this default we just need to explicitly specify what POCO it should map to instead:

List<FullCustomerInfo> customers = db.Select<FullCustomerInfo>(

Where FullCustomerInfo is any POCO that contains a combination of properties matching any of the joined tables in the query.

The above example is also equivalent to the shorthand db.Select<Into,From>() API:

var customers = db.Select<FullCustomerInfo,Customer>(q => q.Join<CustomerAddress>());

Rules for how results are mapped is simply each property on FullCustomerInfo is mapped to the first matching property in any of the tables in the order they were added to the SqlExpression.

As most OrmLite tables have a primary key property named Id, the auto-mapping includes a fallback for mapping to a full namespaced Id property in the same {Type}Id format. This allows you to auto-populate CustomerId, CustomerAddressId and OrderId columns even though they aren't a match to any of the fields in any of the joined tables.

Advanced Example

Seeing how the SqlExpression is constructed, joined and mapped, we can take a look at a more advanced example to showcase more of the new API's available:

List<FullCustomerInfo> rows = db.Select<FullCustomerInfo>( // Map results to FullCustomerInfo POCO
  db.From<Customer>()                                      // Create typed Customer SqlExpression
    .LeftJoin<CustomerAddress>()                           // Implict left join with base table
    .Join<Customer, Order>((c,o) => c.Id == o.CustomerId)  // Explicit join and condition
    .Where(c => c.Name == "Customer 1")                    // Implicit condition on base table
    .And<Order>(o => o.Cost < 2)                           // Explicit condition on joined Table
    .Or<Customer,Order>((c,o) => c.Name == o.LineItem));   // Explicit condition with joined Tables

The comments next to each line document each Type of API used. Some of the new API's introduced in this example include:

  • Usage of LeftJoin for LEFT JOIN'S, RightJoin and FullJoin also available
  • Usage of And<Table>(), to specify a condition on a Joined table
  • Usage of Or<Table1,Table2>, to specify a condition against 2 joined tables

More code examples of References and Joined tables are available in:

Optimistic Concurrency

Another major feature added to OrmLite is support for optimistic concurrency which can be added to any table by adding a ulong RowVersion { get; set; } property, e.g:

public class Poco
    public ulong RowVersion { get; set; }

RowVersion is implemented efficiently in all major RDBMS's, i.e:

  • Uses rowversion datatype in SqlServer
  • Uses PostgreSql's xmin system column (no column on table required)
  • Uses UPDATE triggers on MySql, Sqlite and Oracle whose lifetime is attached to Create/Drop tables APIs

Despite their differing implementations each provider works the same way where the RowVersion property is populated when the record is selected and only updates the record if the RowVersion matches with what's in the database, e.g:

var rowId = db.Insert(new Poco { Text = "Text" }, selectIdentity:true);

var row = db.SingleById<Poco>(rowId);
row.Text += " Updated";
db.Update(row); //success!

row.Text += "Attempting to update stale record";

//Can't update stale record
Assert.Throws<OptimisticConcurrencyException>(() =>

//Can update latest version
var updatedRow = db.SingleById<Poco>(rowId);  // fresh version
updatedRow.Text += "Update Success!";

updatedRow = db.SingleById<Poco>(rowId);
db.Delete(updatedRow);                        // can delete fresh version

Optimistic concurrency is only verified on API's that update or delete an entire entity, i.e. it's not enforced in partial updates. There's also an Alternative API available for DELETE's:

db.DeleteById<Poco>(id:updatedRow.Id, rowversion:updatedRow.RowVersion)

Other OrmLite features


A new JsConfig.ReuseStringBuffer performance config option is available to JSON and JSV Text Serializers which lets you re-use ThreadStatic StringBuilder when serializing to a string. In initial benchmarks (both synchronous and parallel) it shows around a ~%30 increase in performance for small POCO's. It can be enabled with:

JsConfig.ReuseStringBuffer = true;

Default enum values can be excluded from being serialized with:

JsConfig.IncludeDefaultEnums = false;



Improved support for the MQ Request/Reply pattern with the new GetTempQueueName() API now available in all MQ Clients which returns a temporary queue (prefixed with mq:tmp:) suitable for use as the ReplyTo queue in Request/Reply scenarios:

mqServer.RegisterHandler<Hello>(m =>
    new HelloResponse { Result = "Hello, {0}!".Fmt(m.GetBody().Name) });

using (var mqClient = mqServer.CreateMessageQueueClient())
    var replyToMq = mqClient.GetTempQueueName();
    mqClient.Publish(new Message<Hello>(new Hello { Name = "World" }) {
        ReplyTo = replyToMq

    IMessage<HelloResponse> responseMsg = mqClient.Get<HelloResponse>(replyToMq);
    var responseDto = responseMsg.GetBody(); 

On Rabbit MQ it creates an exclusive non-durable queue.

In Redis MQ there's a new RedisMqServer.ExpireTemporaryQueues() API which can be used on StartUp to expire temporary queues after a given period.

Synchronous and Parallel tests for this feature is available in MqRequestReplyTests.cs.

New NuGet packages

Other Framework Features

  • Added support for locking users in all AuthProviders by populating UserAuth.LockedDate, effective from next login attempt
  • Reduced dependencies on all Logging providers, now only depends on ServiceStack.Interfaces
  • ContentLength is written where possible allowing Async Progress callbacks on new payloads
  • Non authenticated requests to /auth throw a 401 (otherwise returns basic session info)
  • Metadata filter now supports IE8/IE9
  • CopyTo and WriteTo Stream extensions now return bytes transferred