Inside ServiceStack VS.NET Extension the Windows Service Template makes it easy to create and install self-hosted ServiceStack solutions running within vanilla Windows Services without needing to rely on any additional 3rd Party packages or dependencies.
Optimized for Developer Productivity​
To improve the development experience, the Windows Service Template includes a "Debug Mode" where DEBUG builds are run as a Console Application - improving developer iteration times and debugging experience.
Install, Start and Stop Windows Service Scripts​
Also included are install.bat
, uninstall.bat
, start.bat
and stop.bat
Batch Scripts which lets you easily install and run
your project as a local Windows Service.
To Install, just build your project in RELEASE mode then run the install.bat
script that's located in your projects home directory.
After it's installed you can run start.bat
to start your Windows Service which will launch your ServiceStack Project's Home Page
in your default browser:
The batch files will automatically prompt for admin access if required