Redis Custom Commands

Most of the time when waiting to use a new Redis Command you'll need to wait for an updated version of ServiceStack.Redis to add support for the new commands likewise there are times when the Redis Client doesn't offer every permutation that redis-server supports.


With the new Custom and RawCommand APIs on IRedisClient and IRedisNativeClient you can now use the RedisClient to send your own custom commands that can call adhoc Redis commands:

public interface IRedisClient
    RedisText Custom(params object[] cmdWithArgs);

public interface IRedisNativeClient
    RedisData RawCommand(params object[] cmdWithArgs);
    RedisData RawCommand(params byte[][] cmdWithBinaryArgs);


These Custom APIs take a flexible object[] arguments which accepts any serializable value e.g. byte[], string, int as well as any user-defined Complex Types which are transparently serialized as JSON and send across the wire as UTF-8 bytes.

var ret = Redis.Custom("SET", "foo", 1);          // ret.Text = "OK"

byte[] cmdSet = Commands.Set;
ret = Redis.Custom(cmdSet, "bar", "b");           // ret.Text = "OK"

ret = Redis.Custom("GET", "foo");                 // ret.Text = "1"

There are also convenient extension methods on RedisData and RedisText that make it easy to access structured data, e.g:

var ret = Redis.Custom(Commands.Keys, "*");
var keys = ret.GetResults();                      // keys = ["foo", "bar"]

ret = Redis.Custom(Commands.MGet, "foo", "bar");
var values = ret.GetResults();                    // values = ["1", "b"]

    .ForEach(x => Redis.Custom(Commands.RPush, "DaysOfWeek", x));
ret = Redis.Custom(Commands.LRange, "DaysOfWeek", 1, -2);
var weekDays = ret.GetResults();      

weekDays.PrintDump(); // ["Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday"]

and some more examples using Complex Types with the Custom APIs:

var ret = Redis.Custom(Commands.Set, "foo", new Poco { Name = "Bar" }); // ret.Text = "OK"

ret = Redis.Custom(Commands.Get, "foo");          // ret.Text =  {"Name":"Bar"}
Poco dto = ret.GetResult<Poco>();

dto.Name.Print(); // Bar

This API is used in most of Redis React UI's redis.js JavaScript client library where Redis server commands are made available via the single ServiceStack Service:

public object Any(CallRedis request)
    var args = request.Args.ToArray();
    var response = new CallRedisResponse { Result = Redis.Custom(args) };
    return response;