Managing connections

Redis Connection Strings

Redis Connection strings have been expanded to support the more versatile URI format which is now able to capture most of Redis Client settings in a single connection string (akin to DB Connection strings).

Redis Connection Strings supports multiple URI-like formats, from a simple hostname or IP Address and port pair to a fully-qualified URI with multiple options specified on the QueryString.

Some examples of supported formats:



More examples can be seen in ConfigTests.cs

Any additional configuration can be specified as QueryString parameters. The full list of options that can be specified include:

Ssl bool If this is an SSL connection
Db int The Redis DB this connection should be set to
Client string A text alias to specify for this connection for analytic purposes
Username string Redis Username when using ACLs
Password string UrlEncoded version of the Password for this connection
ConnectTimeout int Timeout in ms for making a TCP Socket connection
SendTimeout int Timeout in ms for making a synchronous TCP Socket Send
ReceiveTimeout int Timeout in ms for waiting for a synchronous TCP Socket Receive
IdleTimeOutSecs int Timeout in Seconds for an Idle connection to be considered active
NamespacePrefix string Use a custom prefix for ServiceStack.Redis internal index colletions

When using Redis ACLs the Username needs to specified on the QueryString, e.g:

var connString = $"redis://{Host}?ssl=true&username={Username}&password={Password.UrlEncode()}";
var redisManager = new RedisManagerPool(connString);

Connecting to Azure Redis

As connecting to Azure Redis Cache via SSL was the primary use-case for this feature, we've added a new Getting connected to Azure Redis via SSL to help you get started.

Redis Client Managers

The recommended way to access RedisClient instances is to use one of the available Thread-Safe Client Managers below. Client Managers are connection factories which should be registered as a Singleton either in your IOC or static class.


With the enhanced Redis URI Connection Strings we've been able to simplify and streamline the existing PooledRedisClientManager implementation and have extracted it out into a new clients manager called RedisManagerPool.

In addition to removing all above options on the Client Manager itself, readonly connection strings have also been removed so the configuration ends up much simpler and more aligned with the common use-case:

container.Register<IRedisClientsManager>(c => 
    new RedisManagerPool(redisConnectionString));

Pooling Behavior

Any connections required after the maximum Pool size has been reached will be created and disposed outside of the Pool. By not being restricted to a maximum pool size, the pooling behavior in RedisManagerPool can maintain a smaller connection pool size at the cost of potentially having a higher opened/closed connection count.


If you prefer to define options on the Client Manager itself or you want to provide separate Read/Write and ReadOnly (i.e. Master and Replica) redis-servers, use the PooledRedisClientManager instead:

container.Register<IRedisClientsManager>(c => 
    new PooledRedisClientManager(redisReadWriteHosts, redisReadOnlyHosts) { 
        ConnectTimeout = 100,

Pooling Behavior

The PooledRedisClientManager imposes a maximum connection limit and when its maximum pool size has been reached will instead block on any new connection requests until the next RedisClient is released back into the pool. If no client became available within PoolTimeout, a Pool TimeoutException will be thrown.

Redis Configuration

In addition to configuring Redis Client Managers directly, management and behavior of Redis connections can also configured using the static RedisConfig.cs class, e.g:

Configure Pool Size of Redis Client Managers

RedisConfig.DefaultMaxPoolSize = 100;

Available Redis Client Configuration options and their defaults:

Property Default Description
DefaultConnectTimeout -1 (none) The default RedisClient Socket ConnectTimeout
DefaultSendTimeout -1 (none) The default RedisClient Socket SendTimeout
DefaultReceiveTimeout -1 (none) The default RedisClient Socket ReceiveTimeout
DefaultIdleTimeOutSecs 240 seconds Default Idle TimeOut before a connection is considered to be stale
DefaultRetryTimeout 10000 ms The default RetryTimeout for auto retry of failed operations
DefaultMaxPoolSize null (none) Max Pool Size for Pooled Redis Client Managers (overrides DefaultPoolSizeMultiplier)
DefaultPoolSizeMultiplier 50 The default pool size multiplier if no pool size is specified
BackOffMultiplier 10 ms The BackOff multiplier failed Auto Retries starts from
CommandKeysBatchSize 10000 keys Batch size of keys to include in a single Redis Command (e.g. DEL k1 k2...)
VerifyMasterConnections true Whether Connections to Master hosts should be verified they're still a master
RetryReconnectOnFailedMasters true Whether to retry re-connecting on same connection if not a master instance
HostLookupTimeoutMs 200 ms The ConnectTimeout on clients used to find the next available host
AssumeServerVersion null (none) Skip ServerVersion Checks by specifying Min Version number
DeactivatedClientsExpiry 0 seconds How long to hold deactivated clients for before disposing their connection
EnableVerboseLogging false Whether Debug Logging should log detailed Redis operations
AssertAccessOnlyOnSameThread false Assert all access using pooled RedisClient instance is limited to same thread

ServiceStack.Redis SSL Support

ServiceStack.Redis supports SSL connections making it suitable for accessing remote Redis server instances over a secure SSL connection.

Azure Redis Cache

Specify SSL Protocol

Support for changing the Ssl Protocols used for encrypted SSL connections can be set on the connection string using the sslprotocols modifier, e.g:

var connString = $"redis://{Host}?ssl=true&sslprotocols=Tls12&password={Password.UrlEncode()}";
var redisManager = new RedisManagerPool(connString);
using var client = redisManager.GetClient();

If needed the RedisConfig Certificate selecation and validation callbacks can be used to Validate SSL Certificates:

RedisConfig.CertificateSelectionCallback = (object sender, 
    string targetHost, 
    X509CertificateCollection localCertificates,
    X509Certificate remoteCertificate, 
    string[] acceptableIssuers) => ...

RedisConfig.CertificateValidationCallback = (object sender,
    X509Certificate certificate,
    X509Chain chain,
    SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) => ...

Read Only Clients

By default resolving a RedisClient with GetRedisClient() or GetRedisClientAsync() will return a client connected to the configured primary (master) host, if you also have replica (slave) hosts configured, you can access it with the GetReadOnlyClient() or GetReadOnlyClientAsync() APIs, e.g:

using var redisReadOnly = clientsManager.GetReadOnlyClient();


If don't want to use connection pooling (i.e. you're accessing a local redis-server instance) you can use a basic (non-pooled) Clients Manager which creates a new RedisClient instance each time:

container.Register<IRedisClientsManager>(c => 
    new BasicRedisClientManager(redisConnectionString));

Accessing the Redis Client

Once registered, accessing the RedisClient is the same in all Client Managers, e.g:

var clientsManager = container.Resolve<IRedisClientsManager>();
using var redis = clientsManager.GetClient();

List<string> days = redis.GetAllItemsFromList("days");

//Access Typed API
var redisTodos = redis.As<Todo>();

redisTodos.Store(new Todo {
    Id = redisTodos.GetNextSequence(),
    Content = "Learn Redis",

var todo = redisTodos.GetById(1);

//Access Native Client
var redisNative = (IRedisNativeClient)redis;

List<string> days = redisNative.LRange("days", 0, -1);

A more detailed list of the available RedisClient APIs used in the example can be seen in the C# interfaces below:

Pipeline & Transaction APIs

Generic Client APIs

Server Collection APIs

Async Redis

The async support in ServiceStack.Redis is designed for optimal efficiency and uses ValueTask & other modern Async APIs only available in .NET Standard 2.0 and .NET Framework v4.7.2+ projects where there's async API equivalents for most sync APIs as contained within the Async Redis interfaces below:

Async Pipeline & Transaction APIs

Async Generic Client APIs

Async Server Collection APIs

Redis GEO

The release of Redis 3.2.0 brings GEO capabilities which will let you store Lat/Long coordinates in Redis and query locations within a specified radius. To demonstrate this functionality we've created a new Redis GEO Live Demo which lets you click on anywhere in the U.S. to find the list of nearest cities within a given radius, Live Demo at: