gRPC protoc Dart Client

Dart protoc generated GrpcServiceClient TodoWorld Example

Install x dotnet tool:

dotnet tool install --global x

Install stagehand:

pub global activate stagehand

Create a new Dart Console App:

stagehand console-full

Add required dependencies to pubspec.yaml:

  fixnum: ^0.10.11
  async: ^2.2.0
  protobuf: ^1.0.1
  grpc: ^2.1.3

Install dependencies:

pub get

Generate protoc Dart gRPC Client

Add protoc generated TodoWorld DTOs and gRPC GrpcServiceClient to lib/ folder:

x proto-dart -out lib

Dart protoc gRPC insecure Example

Use protoc generated DTOs and GrpcServiceClient to call TodoWorld gRPC Service in bin/main.dart:

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart';
import 'package:TodoWorld/services.pb.dart';
import 'package:TodoWorld/services.pbgrpc.dart';

void main(List<String> args) async {

  var client = GrpcServicesClient(ClientChannel('', port:5054,
    options:ChannelOptions(credentials: ChannelCredentials.insecure())));

  var response = await client.getHello(Hello() = 'gRPC Dart');


Override bin/main.dart with the above Dart Example:

x mix todoworld-dart -out bin

Run example:

dart run

Dart protoc gRPC SSL Example

Download TodoWorld SSL Certificate used for its gRPC HTTP/2 Services:

Use certificate when initializing GrpcServicesClient:

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart';
import 'package:TodoWorld/services.pb.dart';
import 'package:TodoWorld/services.pbgrpc.dart';

void main(List<String> args) async {

  var client = GrpcServicesClient(ClientChannel('', port:50051,
        certificates: File('grpc.crt').readAsBytesSync(),
        authority: ''))));

  var response = await client.getHello(Hello() = 'gRPC Dart');


Override bin/main.dart with the above Dart Example:

x mix todoworld-dart-ssl -out bin

Run example:

dart run

Dart Local Development gRPC SSL CRUD Example

import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:grpc/grpc.dart';
import 'package:todoworld/services.pb.dart';
import 'package:todoworld/services.pbgrpc.dart';

GrpcServicesClient createClient({CallOptions options}) {
  return GrpcServicesClient(ClientChannel('localhost', port:5001,
        certificates: File('../certs/dev.crt').readAsBytesSync(),
        authority: 'localhost'))), options:options);

void main(List<String> args) async {

  var client = createClient();
  await client.postResetTodos(ResetTodos());

  //POST /todos
  var todo = (await client.postCreateTodo(CreateTodo()..title = 'ServiceStack')).result;
  print('new todo Id: ${}, Title: ${todo.title}');

  //GET /todos
  var all = await client.callGetTodos(GetTodos());
  print('todos: ${all.results.length}');

  //GET /todos/1
  todo = (await client.callGetTodo(GetTodo() =;
  print('get todo Id: ${}, Title: ${todo.title}');

  //PUT /todos/1
  await client.putUpdateTodo(UpdateTodo() = = 'gRPC');

  //GET /todos/1
  todo = (await client.callGetTodo(GetTodo() =;
  print('get todo Id: ${}, Title: ${todo.title}');

  //DELETE /todos/1
  await client.callDeleteTodo(DeleteTodo() =;

  //GET /todos
  all = await client.callGetTodos(GetTodos());
  print('todos: ${all.results.length}');  

Dart Server Events gRPC Server Stream Example

Consume ServiceStack Server Events from gRPC Server Stream API:

var stream = client.serverStreamServerEvents(StreamServerEvents()..channels.add('todos'));
await for (var r in stream) {
  var obj = jsonDecode(r.json);
  if (r.selector.startsWith('todos')) {
    if (obj is Map) {
      print('EVENT ${r.selector} [${}]: #${obj['id']} ${obj['title']}');
    } else {
      print('EVENT ${r.selector} [${}]: ${obj}');
  } else {
    print('EVENT ${r.selector} ${r.channels}: #${obj['userId']} ${obj['displayName']}');

Dart gRPC Server Stream Files Example

var stream = client.serverStreamFiles(StreamFiles()..paths.addAll([

await for (var file in stream) {
  var text = utf8.decode(file.body);
  print('FILE ${} (${file.length}): ${text.substring(0, text.length < 50 ? text.length : 50)} ...');

Dart gRPC Authenticated Request Example

Depending on what Authentication Providers are available will determine how you can Authenticate and whether the AuthenticateResponse will return a stateless Bearer Token that can be used to Authenticate instead of a Server Session Id.

Here's an example of authenticating with the common Credentials Auth and authenticating with either the Session Id or JWT Bearer Token (if JWT is enabled):

// Authenticate user Username/Password Credentials Auth
var authResponse = await client.postAuthenticate(Authenticate()..provider='credentials'

// If using Session Auth
var authClient = createClient(options:CallOptions(metadata:{ 'X-ss-id': authResponse.sessionId }));

// If using Bearer Token stateless Auth Providers (e.g. JWT or API Key):
const bearerToken = authResponse.bearerToken; // or JWT or API Key
var authClient = createClient(options:CallOptions(metadata:{ 'Authorization': 'Bearer ${bearerToken}' }));

// Use authClient to make Authenticated Requests:
var response = await authClient.getHelloSecure(HelloSecure() = 'Authenticated gRPC Dart!');

Refer to /clients/dart for a complete example project.