
Markdown Feature Structure

All markdown features are effectively implemented in the same way, starting with a _folder for maintaining its static markdown content, a .cs class to load the markdown and a .cshtml Razor Page to render it:

Location Description
/_{Feature} Maintains the static markdown for the feature
Markdown.{Feature}.cs Functionality to read the feature's markdown into logical collections
{Feature}.cshtml Functionality to Render the feature
Configure.Ssg.cs Initializes and registers the feature with ASP .NET's IOC

Lets see what this looks like in practice by walking through the "Pages" feature:

Pages Feature

The pages feature simply makes all pages in the _pages folder, available from /{filename}.

Where the included pages:

Are made available from:

This is primarily where most Markdown documentation will be maintained.

Document Collections

Folders can be used to maintain different document collections as seen in /vue/ and /creatorkit/ folders:

Each documentation collection needs a Razor Page to render each page in that collection, which can be configured independently and include additional features when needed, examples of this include:

They can contain custom Razor Pages as needed, e.g. both /vue/ and /creatorkit/ have custom index pages:

If no custom home page is needed, a /{slug?} or /{**slug} wildcard route can be used to handle a collection's index and content pages, e.g:

Which are used to render all pages in each documentation collection:


See Sidebars for how to configure different Sidebar menus for each collection

Loading Markdown Pages

The code that loads the Pages feature markdown content is in Markdown.Pages.cs, which ultimately just loads Markdown files using the configured Markdig pipeline that is made available via its VisiblePages property which returns all documents during development but hides any Draft or content published at a Future Date from production builds.

What's New Feature

The /whatsnew page is an example of creating a custom Markdown feature to implement a portfolio or a product releases page where a new folder is created per release, containing both release date and release or project name, with all features in that release maintained markdown content sorted in alphabetical order:

What's New follows the same structure as Pages feature which is loaded in:

and rendered in:

Markdown Videos Feature

Videos is another Markdown powered feature for display collections of YouTube videos populated from a Directory of Markdown Video pages in /_videos:

Loaded with:

and Rendered with Razor Pages:

Metadata APIs Feature

Typically a disadvantage of statically generated websites is the lack of having APIs we can call to query website data in a easily readable data format like JSON. However we can also easily support this by also pre-rendering static *.json data structures along with the pre-rendered website at deployment.

This capability is provided by the new Markdown.Meta.cs feature which generates multiple projections of the Markdown metadata for each type of content added in every year, e.g:

With this you can fetch the metadata of all the new Blog Posts added in 2023 from:


Or all the website content added in 2023 from:


Or ALL the website metadata content from:


This feature makes it possible to support use-cases like CreatorKit's Generating Newsletters feature which generates a Monthly Newsletter Email with all new content added within a specified period.

General Features

Most unique markdown features are captured in their Markdown's frontmatter metadata, but in general these features are broadly available for all features:

  • Live Reload - Latest Markdown content is displayed during Development
  • Custom Layouts - Render post in custom Razor Layout with layout: _LayoutAlt
  • Drafts - Prevent posts being worked on from being published with draft: true
  • Future Dates - Posts with a future date wont be published until that date
  • Order - Specify custom ordering for a collection pages

Initializing and Loading Markdown Features

All markdown features are initialized in the same way in Configure.Ssg.cs where they're registered in ASP.NET Core's IOC and initialized after the App's plugins are loaded by injecting with the App's Virtual Files provider before using it to read from the directory where the markdown content for each feature is maintained:

public class ConfigureSsg : IHostingStartup
    public void Configure(IWebHostBuilder builder) => builder
        .ConfigureServices(services =>
        .ConfigureAppHost(afterPluginsLoaded: appHost => {
            MarkdigConfig.Set(new MarkdigConfig
                ConfigurePipeline = pipeline =>
                    // Extend Markdig Pipeline
                ConfigureContainers = config =>
                    // Add Custom Block or Inline containers

            var pages = appHost.Resolve<MarkdownPages>();
            var whatsNew = appHost.Resolve<MarkdownWhatsNew>();
            var videos = appHost.Resolve<MarkdownVideos>();
            var meta = appHost.Resolve<MarkdownMeta>();

            meta.Features = new() { pages, whatsNew, videos };
            meta.Features.ForEach(x => x.VirtualFiles = appHost.VirtualFiles);

These dependencies are then injected in the feature's Razor Pages to query and render the loaded markdown content.

Custom Frontmatter

You can extend the MarkdownFileInfo type used to maintain the markdown content and metadata of each loaded Markdown file by adding any additional metadata you want included as C# properties on:

// Add additional frontmatter info to include
public class MarkdownFileInfo : MarkdownFileBase

Any additional properties are automatically populated using ServiceStack's built-in Automapping which includes rich support for converting string frontmatter values into native .NET types.

Updating to latest version

You can easily update all the JavaScript dependencies used in postinstall.js by running:

npm install

This will also update the Markdown features *.cs implementations which is delivered as source files instead of an external NuGet package to enable full customization, easier debugging whilst supporting easy upgrades.

If you do customize any Markdown*.cs files, you'll want to exclude them from being updated by removing them from:

const hostFiles = [

Markdown Tag Helper

The included MarkdownTagHelper.cs can be used in hybrid Razor Pages like About.cshtml to render the /about page which uses the flexibility of Razor Pages and static content component maintained with inline Markdown.

The <markdown /> tag helper renders plain HTML, which you can apply Tailwind's @typography styles by including typography.css and annotating it with your preferred prose variant, e.g:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/typography.css">
<markdown class="prose">
  Markdown content...