AutoQuery CRUD

AutoQuery Services includes support for implementing much of a CRUD Services logic declaratively, including support for multi-tenancy, optimistic concurrency, declarative validation, Auto Mapping external of Request/Respond DTOs to data model properties, auto populating then using full #Script Expressions that can be used for example to populate timestamps, authenticating user information, generating new UUIDs, etc.

Just like AutoQuery, CRUD Services are ServiceStack Services where you can continue using the same functionality to specify optimal user-defined routes for HTTP APIs, same Request/Response and Attribute filters to apply custom logic and continue enjoying the entire ecosystem around ServiceStack Services including being able to invoke them via gRPC, MQ endpoints and its rich client ecosystem for enabling end-to-end Typed APIs with Add ServiceStack Reference.

AutoQuery Services are fast & emit clean optimal "pure serialized POCO" wire-format, they're built on OrmLite's high-performance APIs where all AutoQuery APIs are async by default but also also offers native sync APIs if needing to enlist any of AutoQuery's functionality in custom sync methods (that are unable to be converted into viral async APIs).

Importantly AutoQuery Services are "future-proofed" and can be overridden with a custom implementation that can either choose to augment the existing AutoQuery functionality and enhance it with custom behavior (e.g. if not possible to implement declaratively) or if needed its entire implementation can be replaced without breaking its design contract & existing client integrations, should it be necessary to reimplement later if the Service needs to be constructed to use alternative data sources.

Rapidly develop data-driven systems

As AutoQuery lets you declaratively develop Services by just defining their API Contract with POCO DTOs you're able to develop entire data-driven systems in a fraction of the time that it would take to implement them manually. In addition AutoQuery Services are semantically richer as all capabilities are declaratively defined around typed data models which makes it possible to build higher-level generic features like ServiceStack's Studio Instant UI for AutoQuery Services.

With AutoQuery you can now build entire Apps declaratively to develop high-performance capable Services accessible via ServiceStack's industry leading myriad of Service endpoints and rich metadata services, all without needing to write any implementation!

For a sample of the productivity enabled checkout the Bookings CRUD demo to create a multi-user ASP.NET Core Booking System from scratch within minutes with full Audit History, fine-grained permissions, declarative validation, run adhoc queries & export to Excel by just defining code-first high-performance AutoQuery CRUD Typed APIs

Creating AutoQuery CRUD Services

Just like AutoQuery, you just need to provide the typed Request DTOs definition for your DB Table APIs and AutoQuery automatically provides the implementation for the Service.

To enlist Auto CRUD behavior your Request DTOs need to implement one of the following interfaces which dictates the behavior of the Service:

  • ICreateDb<Table> - Create new Table Entry
  • IUpdateDb<Table> - Update existing Table Entry
  • IPatchDb<Table> - Partially update existing Table Entry
  • IDeleteDb<Table> - Delete existing Table Entry

All Request DTOs also require either an IReturn<T> or IReturnVoid marker interface to specify the return type of the Service.


Can use built-in IReturn<EmptyResponse> for an "empty" response where as IReturnVoid returns "no" response.

Let's go through a simple example, starting with a simple POCO OrmLite data model we want to add to our RDBMS:

public class Rockstar
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public int? Age { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
    public DateTime? DateDied { get; set; }
    public LivingStatus LivingStatus { get; set; }

We can create a Service that inserts a new Rockstar by defining all the properties we want to allow API consumers to provide when creating a new Rockstar:

public class CreateRockstar : ICreateDb<Rockstar>, IReturn<CreateRockstarResponse> 
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public int? Age { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

public class CreateRockstarResponse
    public int Id { get; set; } // Id is auto populated with RDBMS generated Id
    public ResponseStatus ResponseStatus { get; set; }

When ServiceStack starts it generates the implementation for this Service, which can now insert Rockstars using your populated Request DTO:

var client = new JsonServiceClient(baseUrl);

client.Post(new CreateRockstar {
    FirstName = "Kurt",
    LastName = "Cobain",
    Age = 27,
    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(20,2,1967),

Similarly you can define Update and Delete Services the same way, e.g:

public class UpdateRockstar : Rockstar,
    IUpdateDb<Rockstar>, IReturn<UpdateRockstarResponse> {}

public class UpdateRockstarResponse
    public int Id { get; set; } // Id is auto populated with RDBMS generated Id
    public Rockstar Result { get; set; } // selects & returns latest DB Rockstar
    public ResponseStatus ResponseStatus { get; set; }

By convention if your Response DTO contains any of these properties it will be automatically populated:

  • T Id - The Primary Key
  • T Result - The POCO you want to return (can be a subset of DB model)
  • int Count - Return the number of rows affected (typically 1, but Deletes can be >1)

Delete Services need only a Primary Key, e.g:

public class DeleteRockstar : IDeleteDb<Rockstar>, IReturnVoid 
    public int Id { get; set; }

and to Query the Rockstar table you have the full featureset of AutoQuery for a complete set of CRUD Services without needing to provide any implementations.

Custom AutoQuery CRUD Implementation

Just as you can create Custom AutoQuery Implementations to override the default AutoQuery behavior you can also override AutoQuery CRUD implementations by creating implementations with AutoQuery CRUD Request DTOs and calling the relevate IAutoQueryDb method, e.g:

public class MyCrudServices(IAutoQueryDb autoQuery) : Service
    public object Post(CreateRockstar request) => autoQuery.Create(request, base.Request);
    public object Put(UpdateRockstar request) => autoQuery.Update(request, base.Request);
    public object Delete(DeleteRockstar request) => autoQuery.Delete(request, base.Request);

// Async
public class MyCrudServices(IAutoQueryDb autoQuery) : Service
    public Task<object> Post(CreateRockstar request) => autoQuery.CreateAsync(request, base.Request);
    public Task<object> Put(UpdateRockstar request) => autoQuery.UpdateAsync(request, base.Request);
    public Task<object> Delete(DeleteRockstar request) => autoQuery.DeleteAsync(request, base.Request);

Custom implementations using OrmLite Typed APIs

It's not strictly necessary to use IAutoQueryDb APIs to implement custom AutoQuery implementations as you could instead use OrmLite to implement similar CRUD behavior, e.g:

public class MyCrudServices : Service
    public object Post(CreateRockstar request) 
        var id = (int) Db.Insert(request.ConvertTo<Rockstar>(), selectIdentity:true);
        return new CreateRockstarResponse {
            Id = id

    public object Put(UpdateRockstar request)
        Db.UpdateNonDefaults(request.ConvertTo<Rockstar>(), x => x.Id == request.Id);
        return new UpdateRockstarResponse {
            Id = id,
            Result = Db.SingleById<Rockstar>(id),
    public void Delete(DeleteRockstar request)

Async version:

public class MyCrudServices : Service
    public async Task<object> Post(CreateRockstar request) 
        var id = (int) await Db.InsertAsync(request.ConvertTo<Rockstar>(), selectIdentity:true);
        return new CreateRockstarResponse {
            Id = id

    public object Put(UpdateRockstar request)
        await Db.UpdateNonDefaultsAsync(request.ConvertTo<Rockstar>(), x => x.Id == request.Id);
        return new UpdateRockstarResponse {
            Id = id,
            Result = await Db.SingleByIdAsync<Rockstar>(id),
    public Task Delete(DeleteRockstar request)
        await Db.DeleteByIdAsync<Rockstar>(request.Id);

The above are equivalents of typical AutoQuery CRUD APIs using OrmLite directly, however if the AutoQuery APIs includes POCO references, you'll need to OrmLite's Save() API to save the reference complex types as well, e.g:

public class MyCrudServices : Service
    public object Post(CreateRockstar request) 
        var row = request.ConvertTo<Rockstar>();
        Db.Save(row, references: true);
        return new CreateRockstarResponse {
            Id = row.Id

AutoQuery CRUD Attributes

AutoQuery CRUD extends existing querying functionality in AutoQuery with additional features covering common functionality in CRUD operations:

  • [AutoApply] - Apply built-in composite generic behavior
  • [AutoPopulate] - Populate data models with generic user & system info
  • [AutoFilter] - Apply pre-configured filters to query operations
  • [AutoMap] - Map System Input properties to Data Model fields
  • [AutoDefault] - Specify to fallback default values when not provided
  • [AutoIgnore] - Ignore mapping Request DTO property to Data Model

Each of these are covered in more detail in the docs and examples below.

Advanced CRUD Example

Lets now explore a more advanced example that implements Audit information as well as layered support for multi-tenancy to see how you can easily compose features.

So lets say you have an interface that all tables you want to contain Audit information implements:

public interface IAudit 
    DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
    string CreatedBy { get; set; }
    string CreatedInfo { get; set; }
    DateTime ModifiedDate { get; set; }
    string ModifiedBy { get; set; }
    string ModifiedInfo { get; set; }
    DateTime? SoftDeletedDate { get; set; }
    string SoftDeletedBy { get; set; }
    string SoftDeletedInfo { get; set; }

It's not required, but it's also useful to have a concrete base table which could be annotated like:

public abstract class AuditBase : IAudit
    public DateTime CreatedDate { get; set; }
    public string CreatedBy { get; set; }
    public string CreatedInfo { get; set; }

    public DateTime ModifiedDate { get; set; }
    public string ModifiedBy { get; set; }
    public string ModifiedInfo { get; set; }

    [Index] //Check if Deleted
    public DateTime? SoftDeletedDate { get; set; }
    public string SoftDeletedBy { get; set; }
    public string SoftDeletedInfo { get; set; }

AutoPopulate Examples

We can then create a base Request DTO that all Audit Create Services will implement:

[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.CreatedDate),  Eval = "utcNow")]
[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.CreatedBy),    Eval = "userAuthName")] //or userAuthId
[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.CreatedInfo),  Eval = "`${userSession.DisplayName} (${userSession.City})`")]
[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.ModifiedDate), Eval = "utcNow")]
[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.ModifiedBy),   Eval = "userAuthName")] //or userAuthId
[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.ModifiedInfo), Eval = "`${userSession.DisplayName} (${userSession.City})`")]
public abstract class CreateAuditBase<Table,TResponse> : ICreateDb<Table>, IReturn<TResponse> {}

The *Info examples is a superfluous example showing that you can evaluate any #Script expression. Typically you'd only save User Id or Username.

These all call #Script Methods which you can add/extend yourself, e.g:

public override void Configure()
    // Register custom script methods
    ScriptContext.ScriptMethods.Add(new MyScripts());

// Custom #Script Methods, see:
public class MyScripts : ScriptMethods
    public string tenantId(ScriptScopeContext scope)
        var req = scope.GetRequest();
        var requestDto = req.Dto;
        return requestDto is IHasTenantId hasTenantId
            ? hasTenantId.TenantId // Explicitly set on Request DTO
            : req.AbsoluteUri.RightPart("//").LeftPart('.'); //Fallback to use subdomain

// Populate Post.TenantId property with `tenantId` #Script Method
[AutoPopulate(nameof(Post.TenantId), Eval = "tenantId")]
public class CreatePost : ICreatDb<Post>, IReturn<IdResponse> 
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public string Content { get; set; }


The [AutoPopulate] attribute tells AutoCrud that you want the DB Table to automatically populate these properties, which can be populated using any of its properties below:

  • Value - A constant value that can be used in C# Attributes, e.g Value="Foo"
  • Expression - A Lightweight #Script Expression that results in a constant value that's only evaluated once and cached globally, e.g. Expression = "date(2001,1,1)", useful for values that can't be defined in C# Attributes like DateTime, can be any #Script Method.
  • Eval - A #Script Expression that's cached per request. E.g. Eval="utcNow" calls the utcNow Script method which returns DateTime.UtcNow which is cached for that request so all other utcNow expressions will return the same exact value.
  • NoCache - Don't cache the expression, evaluate it each time.

AutoCrud makes extensive usage of #Script expressions for much of its declarative functionality which always executes their cached ASTs so expressions are only parsed once and still fast to evaluate even when results are not cached.

Lets now layer on additional generic functionality by inheriting and extending the base class with additional functionality, e.g. if we want our table to support Multitenancy we could extend it with:

[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAuditTenant.TenantId), Eval = "Request.Items.TenantId")]
public abstract class CreateAuditTenantBase<Table,TResponse> 
    : CreateAuditBase<Table,TResponse> {}

Where TenantId is added in a Global Request Filter (e.g. after inspecting the authenticated UserSession to determine the tenant they belong to), e.g:

const string TenantId = nameof(TenantId);

void SetTenant(IRequest req, IResponse res, object dto)
    var userSession = req.SessionAs<AuthUserSession>();
    if (userSession.IsAuthenticated)
        req.SetItem(TenantId, userSession.City switch {
            "London" => 10,
            "Perth"  => 11,
            _        => 100,
GlobalRequestFilters.Add(SetTenant);        // HTTP Requests
GlobalMessageRequestFilters.Add(SetTenant); // MQ Requests

Now we easily implement custom "Audited" and "Multi Tenant" CRUD Services by inheriting these base Services.

Here's an example of our custom Table that implements our AuditBase class with a TenantId to capture the Tenant the record should be saved to:

public class RockstarAuditTenant : AuditBase
    public int TenantId { get; set; }
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public int? Age { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }
    public DateTime? DateDied { get; set; }
    public LivingStatus LivingStatus { get; set; }

Our service can now implement our base Audit & Multitenant enabled service:

public class CreateRockstarAuditTenant 
    : CreateAuditTenantBase<RockstarAuditTenant, CreateRockstarResponse>
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public int? Age { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

And all the decorated properties will be automatically populated when creating the Rockstar with CreateRockstarAuditTenant, e.g:

client.Post(new CreateRockstarAuditTenant {
    FirstName = "Kurt",
    LastName = "Cobain",
    Age = 27,
    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(20,2,1967),

We can create the same base classes for Updates:

[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.ModifiedDate), Eval = "utcNow")]
[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.ModifiedBy),   Eval = "userAuthName")] //or userAuthId
[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.ModifiedInfo), Eval = "`${userSession.DisplayName} (${userSession.City})`")]
public abstract class UpdateAuditBase<Table,TResponse> 
    : IUpdateDb<Table>, IReturn<TResponse> {}

[AutoFilter(nameof(IAuditTenant.TenantId), Eval="Request.Items.TenantId")]
public abstract class UpdateAuditTenantBase<Table,TResponse> 
    : UpdateAuditBase<Table,TResponse> {}

public class UpdateRockstarAuditTenant 
    : UpdateAuditTenantBase<RockstarAuditTenant, RockstarWithIdResponse>
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public LivingStatus? LivingStatus { get; set; }


the [AutoPopulate] properties only appear on the Data Model, not the external Request DTO since we don't want external API consumers to populate them.

For Apps that prefer to never delete rows and instead mark records as deleted so an audit trail is retained, we can implement "Soft Deletes" using an UPDATE to populate the SoftDelete* fields behind-the-scenes:

[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.SoftDeletedDate), Eval = "utcNow")]
[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.SoftDeletedBy),   Eval = "userAuthName")] //or userAuthId
[AutoPopulate(nameof(IAudit.SoftDeletedInfo), Eval = "`${userSession.DisplayName} (${userSession.City})`")]
public abstract class SoftDeleteAuditBase<Table,TResponse> 
    : IUpdateDb<Table>, IReturn<TResponse> {}

[AutoFilter(QueryTerm.Ensure, nameof(IAuditTenant.TenantId),  Eval = "Request.Items.TenantId")]
public abstract class SoftDeleteAuditTenantBase<Table,TResponse> 
    : SoftDeleteAuditBase<Table,TResponse> {}

public class SoftDeleteAuditTenant 
    : SoftDeleteAuditTenantBase<RockstarAuditTenant, RockstarWithIdResponse>
    public int Id { get; set; }

To implement a "Real" permanently destructive DELETE you would instead implement IDeleteDb<T>:

[AutoFilter(QueryTerm.Ensure, nameof(IAuditTenant.TenantId),  Eval = "Request.Items.TenantId")]
public class RealDeleteAuditTenant 
    : IDeleteDb<RockstarAuditTenant>, IReturn<RockstarWithIdResponse>
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int? Age { get; set; }

Multi RDBMS Services

As they're just regular ServiceStack Services everything you’re used to that works with normal services also works with new Auto Crud Services, to recap you can annotate the DB Model with the [NamedConnection] attribute to specify which registered named connection AutoQuery should use:

public class NamedRockstar : Rockstar { } //DB Model

Where all AutoQuery Services for that data model will query the Reporting database instead:

public class CreateNamedRockstar : RockstarBase, 
    ICreateDb<NamedRockstar>, IReturn<RockstarWithIdAndResultResponse>
    public int Id { get; set; }

public class UpdateNamedRockstar : RockstarBase, 
    IUpdateDb<NamedRockstar>, IReturn<RockstarWithIdAndResultResponse>
    public int Id { get; set; }

Custom AutoQuery CRUD Services

Alternatively the [ConnectionInfo] can be used on Service implementations, but as AutoQuery doesn't have them you'd need to provide custom implementations that can delegate to their respective Auto Crud API, e.g:

[ConnectionInfo(NamedConnection = MyDatabases.Reporting)]
public class MyReportingServices(IAutoQueryDb autoQuery) : Service
    public Task<object> Any(CreateConnectionInfoRockstar request) => 
        autoQuery.CreateAsync(request, Request);

    public Task<object> Any(UpdateConnectionInfoRockstar request) => 
        autoQuery.UpdateAsync(request, Request);


If you're creating Soft Delete & Multi tenant services you'll want to ensure that every query only returns records in their tenant and doesn't return deleted items, which we can implement using an [AutoFilter], e.g:

[AutoFilter(QueryTerm.Ensure, nameof(IAudit.SoftDeletedDate), Template = SqlTemplate.IsNull)]
[AutoFilter(QueryTerm.Ensure, nameof(IAuditTenant.TenantId),  Eval = "Request.Items.TenantId")]
public abstract class QueryDbTenant<From, Into> : QueryDb<From, Into> {}

The [AutoFilter] lets you add pre-configured filters to the query, QueryTerm.Ensure utilizes OrmLite's new Ensure() APIs which forces always applying this filter, even if the query contains other OR conditions.

This base class will then let you create concrete queries that doesn't return soft deleted rows and only returns rows from the same tenant as the authenticated user, e.g:

public class QueryRockstarAudit : QueryDbTenant<RockstarAuditTenant, Rockstar>
    public int? Id { get; set; }

To coincide with AutoCRUD there's also support for declarative validation which thanks to #Script lets you define your Fluent Validation Rules by annotating your Request DTO properties. As it's essentially a different way to define Fluent Validation Rules, it still needs Validation enabled to run:

Plugins.Add(new ValidationFeature());

AutoMap and AutoDefault Attributes

The [AutoDefault] attribute allows you to specify default values that the Data Model should be populated with using the same #Script expression support available in [AutoPopulate] to populate constant values, cached constant expressions or results of full evaluated expressions.

The [AutoMap] attributes enables the flexibility of being able to maintain different external property names from their internal data models, but still be able to declaratively map them.

Here's an example ICreateDb<T> AutoCrud Service that makes use of both these attributes to achieve its desired behavior:

public class CreateRockstarAutoMapDefault : ICreateDb<Rockstar>, IReturn<RockstarWithIdResponse>
    public string MapFirstName { get; set; }

    public string MapLastName { get; set; }
    [AutoDefault(Value = 21)]
    public int? MapAge { get; set; }
    [AutoDefault(Expression = "date(2001,1,1)")]
    public DateTime MapDateOfBirth { get; set; }

    [AutoDefault(Eval = "utcNow")]
    public DateTime? MapDateDied { get; set; }
    [AutoDefault(Value = LivingStatus.Dead)]
    public LivingStatus? MapLivingStatus { get; set; }

AutoIgnore Attributes

To send additional properties with your AutoQuery CRUD Request DTO which doesn't match the data model you can ignore the validation check by annotating properties with the [AutoIgnore] Attribute, e.g:

public class CustomRockstarService : ICreateDb<Rockstar>, IReturn<RockstarWithIdResponse>
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int? Age { get; set; }
    public CustomInfo CustomInfo { get;set; }

Or you can ignore validation for all properties with the same name by registering it to AutoQuery.IgnoreCrudProperties, e.g:


Apply Generic CRUD Behaviors

The AutoQuery Attributes are used to construct a metadata model of each operation used to enlist the desired functionality that each Service should have. This metadata model can also be programmatically constructed allowing you to codify conventions by grouping annotated attributes under a single [AutoApply] attribute resulting in the same behavior had the AutoQuery Request been annotated with the attributes directly, e.g:

public class QueryBookings { ... } // Equivalent to:

[AutoFilter(QueryTerm.Ensure, nameof(AuditBase.DeletedDate), Template = SqlTemplate.IsNull)]
public class QueryBookings { ... }

public class CreateBooking { ... } // Equivalent to:

[AutoPopulate(nameof(AuditBase.CreatedDate),  Eval = "utcNow")]
[AutoPopulate(nameof(AuditBase.CreatedBy),    Eval = "userAuthName")]
[AutoPopulate(nameof(AuditBase.ModifiedDate), Eval = "utcNow")]
[AutoPopulate(nameof(AuditBase.ModifiedBy),   Eval = "userAuthName")]
public class CreateBooking { ... }

The [AutoApply] attribute is itself an inert marker for capturing what generic behavior you want applied to AutoQuery Services. All built-in behavior is declared on the Behavior static class:

public static class Behavior
    // Auto Filter SoftDeleted Results
    public const string AuditQuery = nameof(AuditQuery);
    // Auto Populate CreatedDate, CreatedBy, ModifiedDate & ModifiedBy fields
    public const string AuditCreate = nameof(AuditCreate);
    // Auto Populate ModifiedDate & ModifiedBy fields
    public const string AuditModify = nameof(AuditModify);
    // Auto Populate DeletedDate & DeletedBy fields
    public const string AuditDelete = nameof(AuditDelete);
    // Auto Populate DeletedDate & DeletedBy fields and changes IDeleteDb operation to Update
    public const string AuditSoftDelete = nameof(AuditSoftDelete);


This functionality is implemented by extending the metadata for AutoQuery CRUD Services with additional attributes in AutoQueryFeature.AutoCrudMetadataFilters delegate filters where they result in the same behavior as if the Request DTOs were annotated with attributes directly. E.g. Here's the built-in filter for implementing the above behaviors:

public static void AuditAutoCrudMetadataFilter(AutoCrudMetadata meta)
    foreach (var applyAttr in meta.AutoApplyAttrs)
        switch (applyAttr.Name)
            case Behavior.AuditQuery:
                meta.Add(new AutoFilterAttribute(
                    QueryTerm.Ensure, nameof(AuditBase.DeletedDate), SqlTemplate.IsNull));
            case Behavior.AuditCreate:
            case Behavior.AuditModify:
                if (applyAttr.Name == Behavior.AuditCreate)
                    meta.Add(new AutoPopulateAttribute(nameof(AuditBase.CreatedDate)) {
                        Eval = "utcNow"
                    meta.Add(new AutoPopulateAttribute(nameof(AuditBase.CreatedBy)) {
                        Eval = "userAuthName"
                meta.Add(new AutoPopulateAttribute(nameof(AuditBase.ModifiedDate)) {
                    Eval = "utcNow"
                meta.Add(new AutoPopulateAttribute(nameof(AuditBase.ModifiedBy)) {
                    Eval = "userAuthName"
            case Behavior.AuditDelete:
            case Behavior.AuditSoftDelete:
                if (applyAttr.Name == Behavior.AuditSoftDelete)
                    meta.SoftDelete = true;

                meta.Add(new AutoPopulateAttribute(nameof(AuditBase.DeletedDate)) {
                    Eval = "utcNow"
                meta.Add(new AutoPopulateAttribute(nameof(AuditBase.DeletedBy)) {
                    Eval = "userAuthName"

You can use this same functionality to describe your own custom generic functionality, e.g. Lets say you wanted to instead populate your base class with Audit Info containing different named properties with local DateTime and UserAuth Id. You can define your own Behavior name for this functionality:

public class UpdateBooking { ... }

and implement it with a custom AutoCrudMetadataFilters that populates the Audit [AutoPopulate] attributes on all Request DTOs marked with your Behavior name, e.g:

void MyAuditFilter(AutoCrudMetadata meta)
    if (meta.HasAutoApply("MyUpdate"))
        meta.Add(new AutoPopulateAttribute(nameof(MyBase.MyModifiedDate)) {
            Eval = "now"
        meta.Add(new AutoPopulateAttribute(nameof(MyBase.MyModifiedBy)) {
            Eval = "userAuthId"

Plugins.Add(new AutoQueryFeature {
    AutoCrudMetadataFilters = { MyAuditFilter },

AutoQuery CRUD Events

AutoQuery includes OnBefore* and OnAfter* (sync & async) events for Create, Update, Patch & Delete that can be used to execute custom logic before or after each AutoQuery CRUD operation. E.g. if your system implements their own Audit history via RDBMS triggers, you can use the OnBefore Delete event to update the record with deleted info before the AutoQuery CRUD operation deletes it:

Plugins.Add(new AutoQueryFeature {
    OnBeforeDeleteAsync = async ctx => {
        if (ctx.Dto is DeleteBooking deleteBooking)
            var session = await ctx.Request.GetSessionAsync();
            await ctx.Db.UpdateOnlyAsync(() => new Booking {
                DeletedBy = session.UserAuthName,
                DeletedDate = DateTime.UtcNow,
            }, where: x => x.Id == deleteBooking.Id);


AutoQuery generates async Services by default which will invoke the *Async events, but if you implement a sync Custom AutoQuery CRUD Service it executes the sync events instead so you'd need to implement the OnBeforeDelete custom hook instead.

Custom Complex Mapping

Another opportunity to apply more complex custom mapping logic before resorting to creating an actual Service implementation is to make use of ServiceStack's built-in Auto Mapping Populator API to intercept an AutoMapping conversion between 2 types and apply custom logic after ConvertTo<T> or PopulateWith<T> APIs, e.g:

AutoMapping.RegisterPopulator((Dictionary<string,object> target, CreateRockstar source) => 
    if (!IsAlive(source))
        target[nameof(source.LivingStatus)] = LivingStatus.Dead;

Auto Guid's

In addition to supporting [AutoIncrement] to insert records with Auto Incrementing Ids, you can use [AutoId] to insert entities with RDBMS generated UUIDs where they're supported otherwise OrmLite populates them with Guid.NewGuid().


usage of inheritance isn't required & has the same behavior as using explicit properties

public abstract class RockstarBase
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string LastName { get; set; }
    public int? Age { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; }

public class Rockstar : RockstarBase
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

public class CreateRockstarWithAutoGuid : RockstarBase, ICreateDb<Rockstar>, IReturn<RockstarWithIdResponse>

Or if you prefer for Id's to always be populated with Guid.NewGuid(), remove [AutoId] and populate it with [AutoPopulate] instead:

[AutoPopulate(nameof(Rockstar.Id),  Eval = "nguid")]
public class CreateRockstarWithAutoGuid : RockstarBase, ICreateDb<Rockstar>, IReturn<RockstarWithIdResponse>

Optimistic Concurrency

We can declaratively add support for OrmLite's Optimistic Concurrency by including ulong RowVersion property on Auto Crud Request/Response DTOs and Data Models, e.g:

// Data Model
public class RockstarVersion : RockstarBase
    public int Id { get; set; }

    public ulong RowVersion { get; set; }

public class CreateRockstarVersion : RockstarBase, ICreateDb<RockstarVersion>,
    IReturn<RockstarWithIdAndRowVersionResponse> { }

public class UpdateRockstarVersion : RockstarBase, IPatchDb<RockstarVersion>,
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public ulong RowVersion { get; set; }

// Response DTO
public class RockstarWithIdAndRowVersionResponse
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public ulong RowVersion { get; set; }
    public ResponseStatus ResponseStatus { get; set; }

AutoQuery will populate the RowVersion in Response DTOs which will need to be provided whenever making changes to that entity where it will fail to update the entity if no RowVersion was provided or has since been modified:

var createResponse = client.Post(new CreateRockstarVersion {
    FirstName = "Original",
    LastName = "Version",
    Age = 20,
    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(2001,7,1),
    LivingStatus = LivingStatus.Dead,

// throws OptimisticConcurrencyException: No RowVersion provided
client.Patch(new UpdateRockstarVersion {
    Id = createResponse.Id, 
    LastName = "UpdatedVersion",

// succeeds if "Original Version" wasn't modified otherwise throws OptimisticConcurrencyException 
var response = client.Patch(new UpdateRockstarVersion {
    Id = createResponse.Id, 
    LastName = "UpdatedVersion",
    RowVersion = createResponse.RowVersion,

MQ AutoQuery CRUD Requests

As AutoQuery CRUD Services are just ServiceStack Services they can partake in its ecosystem of features like being able to invoke Services via MQ, although there's some extra consideration needed to account for the differences between HTTP and MQ Requests. First whatever filters you've added to populate the IRequest.Items like tenant Id you'll also need to register in GlobalMessageRequestFilters so they're executed for MQ Requests as well:

GlobalRequestFilters.Add(SetTenant);        // HTTP Requests
GlobalMessageRequestFilters.Add(SetTenant); // MQ Requests

Secondly Auth Information is typically sent in the HTTP Request Headers, but they need to be included in the Request DTO to send Authenticated MQ Requests, which can either implement IHasSessionId for normal Session Auth Providers, e.g:

public class CreateRockstarAuditTenant 
  : CreateAuditTenantBase<RockstarAuditTenant, RockstarWithIdAndResultResponse>, IHasSessionId
    public string SessionId { get; set; } //Authenticate MQ Requests

Alternatively they can implement IHasBearerToken for stateless Bearer Token Auth providers like JWT or API Keys.

If you're publishing an MQ Request inside a HTTP Service you can use the PopulateRequestDtoIfAuthenticated extension method which populates the Request DTO from the Authenticated HTTP Request, e.g:

public class AutoCrudMqServices : Service
    public void Any(CreateRockstarAuditTenantMq request)
        var mqRequest = request.ConvertTo<CreateRockstarAuditTenant>();

In this case if using Background MQ, it will execute the CreateRockstarAuditTenant request in a background thread, populating the MQ Request Context with the session identified by the IRequest.GetSessionId().

Publishing Requests to OneWay Endpoint

You can also send MQ requests directly by publishing to the OneWay HTTP endpoint, which if your AppHost is registered with an MQ Server, it will publish the message to the MQ and auto populate Request DTOs that implements IHasSessionId or IHasBearerToken, either if implicitly sent from an Authenticated client:

var authResponse = authClient.Post(new Authenticate {
    provider = "credentials",
    UserName = "",
    Password = "p@55wOrd",
    RememberMe = true,

authClient.SendOneWay(new CreateRockstarAuditTenant {
    FirstName = nameof(CreateRockstarAuditTenant),
    LastName = "SessionId",
    Age = 20,
    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(2002,2,2),

Or from an anonymous client with the explicit BearerToken or SessionId properties populated, e.g:

client.SendOneWay(new CreateRockstarAuditMqToken {
    BearerToken = JwtUserToken,
    FirstName = nameof(CreateRockstarAuditMqToken),
    LastName = "JWT",
    Age = 20,
    DateOfBirth = new DateTime(2002,2,2),

To save populating the BearerToken in each request, you can set it once on the Service Client which will automatically populate it on Request DTOs:

client.BearerToken = jwtUserToken;

AutoQuery CRUD Features

Building upon AutoQuery is a number of other features that increase the capabilities of AutoQuery Services & provide instant utility, including: