In addition to being able to declaratively develop AutoQuery and CRUD APIs without needing to implement them, you're also able to enable a recorded history of Executable Audit information over all AutoCrud operations in an executable audit log that in addition to maintaining an automated recorded history of every change to an entity also exhibits "EventSourcing-like capabilities" in being able to recreate the entities state using the latest Services implementation by replaying all AutoCrud operations in order, which can be applied on a granular entity, table level, or in the unlikely case that all System DB writes are performed through AutoQuery CRUD Services, it's capable of re-creating the entire DB state from just its Audit history, although is dependent on whether all changes made to AutoCrud Services are backwards compatible.
Being able to rebuild your Systems DB by replaying audit history events is a nice property that can serve as an integrity check to verify that all changes leading up to the current DB state has been recorded. As data is the most important part of most systems it can be beneficial to maintain a change history of when items were created, modified and deleted (and by whom) as we're used to when using a VCS for our source code. Typically this means also employing "non destructive" approaches to system design like "Soft Deletes" which you can declaratively implement with Auto CRUD.
Executable Crud Audit Events​
This feature tries to obtain some of the nice features of Event Sourcing but without the additional complexity by allowing you to capture all CRUD operations in an executable log whilst still retaining your RDBMS as your master authority. This feature doesn’t require any additional dev overhead as your AutoCrud Request DTOs are the recorded events.
To enable this feature you just need to register an ICrudEvents provider which will let you persist your events in any data store, but typically you’d use OrmLiteCrudEvents to persist it in the same RDBMS that the AutoCrud requests are already writing to, e.g:
public class ConfigureAutoQuery : IHostingStartup
public void Configure(IWebHostBuilder builder) => builder
.ConfigureServices(services => {
// Enable Audit History
services.AddSingleton<ICrudEvents>(c =>
new OrmLiteCrudEvents(c.GetRequiredService<IDbConnectionFactory>()) {
// NamedConnections = { SystemDatabases.Reporting }
services.AddPlugin(new AutoQueryFeature {
MaxLimit = 1000,
//IncludeTotal = true,
.ConfigureAppHost(appHost => {
If you’re using Multitenancy features or multiple RDBMS’s in your AutoCrud DTOs you can add them to NamedConnections where it will create an CrudEvent table in each of the RDBMS’s used.
and that’s all that’s required, now every AutoCrud operation will persist the Request DTO and associative metadata in the Event entry below within a DB transaction:
public class CrudEvent : IMeta
public long Id { get; set; }
// AutoCrudOperation, e.g. Create, Update, Patch, Delete, Save
public string EventType { get; set; }
public string Model { get; set; } // DB Model Name
public string ModelId { get; set; } // Primary Key of DB Model
public DateTime EventDate { get; set; } // UTC
public long? RowsUpdated { get; set; } // How many rows were affected
public string RequestType { get; set; } // Request DTO Type
public string RequestBody { get; set; } // Serialized Request Body
public string UserAuthId { get; set; } // UserAuthId if Authenticated
public string UserAuthName { get; set; } // UserName or unique User Identity
public string RemoteIp { get; set; } // Remote IP of the Request
public string Urn { get; set; } // URN format: urn:{requestType}:{ModelId}
// Custom Reference Data with or with non-integer Primary Key
public int? RefId { get; set; }
public string RefIdStr { get; set; }
public Dictionary<string, string> Meta { get; set; }
Full Executable Audit History​
With what's captured this will serve as an Audit History of state changes for any row by querying the Model
& ModelId
columns, e.g:
var dbEvents = (OrmLiteCrudEvents)container.Resolve<ICrudEvents>();
var rowAuditEvents = dbEvents.GetEvents(Db, nameof(Rockstar), id);
The contents of the Request DTO stored as JSON in RequestBody
. You can quickly display the contents of any JSON in human-friendly
HTML with the htmlDump script if you're using #Script
, @Html.HtmlDump(obj)
if you're using Razor or just the static ViewUtils.HtmlDump(obj)
method to get a raw pretty-formatted HTML String.
Replay AutoCrud Requests​
If all your database was created with AutoCrud Services you could delete its rows and re-create it by just re-playing all your AutoCrud DTOs in the order they were executed, which can be done with:
var eventsPlayer = new CrudEventsExecutor(appHost);
foreach (var crudEvent in dbEvents.GetEvents(db))
await eventsPlayer.ExecuteAsync(crudEvent);
The CrudEventsExecutor
uses your AppHost's ServiceController
to execute the message, e,g. same execution pipeline MQ Requests use,
so it will execute your AppHost's GlobalMessageRequestFilters/Async
if you have any custom logic in Request Filters
(e.g. Multi TenantId example above). It also executes authenticated AutoCrud requests as the original AutoCrud Request Authenticated User,
which just like JWT Refresh Tokens
will require either using an AuthRepository or if you're using a Custom Auth Provider you can implement an IUserSessionSource
load User Sessions from a custom data store.
When replaying the Audit Events it will use the original primary key, even if you're using [AutoIncrement]
Primary Keys,
this will let you re-create the state of a single entry, e.g:
var rowAuditEvents = dbEvents.GetEvents(Db, nameof(Rockstar), id);
foreach (var crudEvent in rowAuditEvents)
await eventsPlayer.ExecuteAsync(crudEvent);
If for instance you wanted it to execute through your latest logic with any enhancements or bug fixes, etc.
Ignoring Crud Events​
You can selectively choose to ignore capturing events by returning null
in the EventsFilter
when registering OrmLiteCrudEvents
, e.g:
new OrmLiteCrudEvents(c.Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>()) {
EventsFilter = (row,context) => MyShouldIgnore(context)
? null
: row
The CrudContext
contains all the relevant information about the AutoQuery Crud request, including:
public class CrudContext
public IRequest Request { get; private set; }
public IDbConnection Db { get; private set; }
public ICrudEvents Events { get; private set; }
public string Operation { get; set; }
public object Dto { get; private set; }
public Type ModelType { get; private set; }
public Type RequestType { get; private set; }
public Type ResponseType { get; private set; }
public ModelDefinition ModelDef { get; private set; }
public PropertyAccessor IdProp { get; private set; }
public PropertyAccessor ResultProp { get; private set; }
public PropertyAccessor CountProp { get; private set; }
public PropertyAccessor RowVersionProp { get; private set; }
public object Id { get; set; }
public object Response { get; set; }
public long? RowsUpdated { get; set; }
Alternatively you can ignore recording the event for requests tagged with IRequest.Items[Keywords.IgnoreEvent]
, e.g:
GlobalRequestFilters.Add((req, res, dto) => {
if (MyShouldIgnore(dto))
req.Items[Keywords.IgnoreEvent] = bool.TrueString;