Dictionary APIs

OrmLite's Dictionary APIs allow you to customize which parts of a Data Model should be modified by converting it into then manipulating an Object Dictionary, e.g:

Insert by Dictionary

var row = new Person { FirstName = "John", LastName = "Smith" };
Dictionary<string,object> obj = row.ToObjectDictionary();
obj[nameof(Person.LastName)] = null;

row.Id = (int) db.Insert<Person>(obj, selectIdentity:true);

Update by Dictionary

Person row = db.SingleById<Person>(row.Id);
var obj = row.ToObjectDictionary();
obj[nameof(Person.LastName)] = "Smith";

UpdateOnly by Dictionary

// By Primary Key Id
var fields = new Dictionary<string, object> {
    [nameof(Person.Id)] = 1,
    [nameof(Person.FirstName)] = "John",
    [nameof(Person.LastName)] = null,


// By Custom Where Expression
var fields = new Dictionary<string, object> {
    [nameof(Person.FirstName)] = "John",
    [nameof(Person.LastName)] = null,

db.UpdateOnly<Person>(fields, p => p.LastName == "Hendrix");

Delete by Dictionary

db.Delete<Rockstar>(new Dictionary<string, object> {
    ["Age"] = 27