Restricting Services

You can change the Visibility and Access restrictions on any service using the [Restrict] attribute. This is a class based attribute and should be placed on your Service class. Visibility affects whether or not the service shows up on the public /metadata pages, whilst access restrictions limits the accessibility of your services.

Named Configurations

The Restrict attribute includes a number of Named configurations for common use-cases. E.g You can specify a Service should only be available from your local machine with:

[Restrict(LocalhostOnly = true)]
public class LocalAdmin { }

Which ensures access to this service is only allowed from localhost clients and the details of this service will only be visible on /metadata pages that are viewed locally.

This is equivalent to using the underlying granular form of specifying individual RequestAttributes, e.g:

[Restrict(AccessTo = RequestAttributes.Localhost, VisibilityTo = RequestAttributes.Localhost)]
public class LocalAdmin { }

There are many more named configurations available. You can use VisibleInternalOnly to only have a service listed on internally viewed /metadata pages with:

[Restrict(VisibleInternalOnly = true)]
public class InternalAdmin { }

Services can be restricted on any EndpointAttribute, e.g. to ensure this service is only called by XML clients, do:

public class XmlOnly { }

Restriction Combinations

Likewise you can add any combination of Endpoint Attributes together, E.g. this restricts access to service to Internal JSON clients only:

[Restrict(RequestAttributes.InternalNetworkAccess | RequestAttributes.Json)]
public class JsonInternalOnly { }

Multiple restriction scenarios

It also supports multiple restriction scenarios, E.g. This service is only accessible by internal JSON clients or External XML clients:

    RequestAttributes.InternalNetworkAccess | RequestAttributes.Json,
    RequestAttributes.External | RequestAttributes.Xml)]
public class JsonInternalOrXmlExternalOnly { }

A popular configuration that takes advantage of this feature would be to only allow HTTP plain-text traffic from Internal Networks and only allow external access via secure HTTPS, which you can enforce with:

[Restrict(RequestAttributes.InSecure | RequestAttributes.InternalNetworkAccess,
          RequestAttributes.Secure   | RequestAttributes.External)]
public class InternalHttpAndExternalHttps { }

Hiding Services from Metadata

You can use the [Exclude*] attributes to hide Services from appearing in your public metadata services:

public class InternalService : IReturnVoid {}

[Exclude(Feature.Metadata | Feature.Soap)]
public class InternalService : IReturnVoid {}

Restricting built-in Services

In addition to statically annotating classes, you can also add .NET Attributes at runtime to restrict Services you don't control. So to only allow built-in Services to be visible from localhost requests you can add restriction attributes to Request DTO's in your AppHost with:

    .AddAttributes(new RestrictAttribute { VisibleLocalhostOnly = true });
    .AddAttributes(new RestrictAttribute { VisibleLocalhostOnly = true });

Or to hide it for all requests you can set the visibility to none:

    .AddAttributes(new RestrictAttribute { VisibilityTo=RequestAttributes.None });
    .AddAttributes(new RestrictAttribute { VisibilityTo=RequestAttributes.None });

Note they'll still be shown in development mode when Debug=true which is automatically enabled for Debug builds, to simulate what it would look like in a release build you can set it to false, e.g:

SetConfig(new HostConfig {
    DebugMode = false